Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years Resolution - No More Gas!!!

I started thinking about this a while ago. The electric car has been great, but I would really like to take it further. I really want to go all the way and get completely OFF GASOLINE.

I'm still not sure how to do it, but bio-diesel and waste vegetable oil seem like to best options to explore.

1 comment:

  1. Great Resolution Ben!

    All my BD supplies are now out at Patricks. With another $500-1000 invested (less on craigslist) we will be able to build the BD plant which should be able to hit the national ASTM BD standard for commercial grade fuel.

    The single biggest stickler is to find enough WVO (2000 gallons annually). If you can find a restaurant willing to let us have the WVO I will supply the container (5 to 325 gallons at their request) and get it. We need more partners and I would love to have your enthusiasm in on it. We'll talk more at the 1/11 meeting if you can make it.

    Not having much luck on this (critical!) front thus far.

    Let me know if you get anything!

    Rob from Jeff County CSE
