Last summer, I started wondering, why are hybrids so expensive?
Why are they so complicated? Isn't there something I could do myself to get a little better fuel economy, not cost a fortune AND have a little fun?
That bit of wondering eventually lead me to build an Electric Motorcycle.
It gets the equivelant of over 300 miles per gallon, and was featured in a video I made early this past summer at a big conference in Washington DC.
The best part? I built the whole thing myself. No waiting for auto manufacturers to come up with something. No waiting for new technology.
Just me, off the shelf parts, and a socket wrench.
I threw together a web page about it a while back. Check that out HERE:
Here's the video I made about the motorcycle that made it all the way to being shown in front of Congressmen and Senators in Washinton DC.
OMG! I surely would like to have one!